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Xbox One System Update 10.0.19041.4170 Download (September 2020 Update)

Discussion in 'Dashboard / System Updates' started by InsaneNutter, Sep 19, 2020.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    Info on the Xbox One 10.0.19041.4170 (rs_xbox_release_2008.200908-1130) September 2020 Update

    Release date


    What's New:


    General stability and performance improvements


    Download Xbox One System Update 10.0.19041.4170 Download (September 2020 Update) Update

    Updating your Xbox One:

    Read: How to install an Xbox One System Update from a USB Memory Stick

    To find your Xbox One console’s operating system version:

    • Press the Xbox button to return to Home.
    • Press the Menu button and select Settings (or select Settings on the Home screen).
    • Select System.
    • Select Console info.
    • Your operating system version is the third row down.
    • Note If you’re in the middle of a system update and need to find your operating system version on your console, pull both triggers and both bumpers on the controller. The operating system version is listed as Build and is the second line down.
    Franki Rivers likes this.
  2. kizidek

    kizidek New Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Hi, i have tried all troubleshooting options tried to offline update but i have plugged in the usb and the option stays greyed out i have checked multiple forums different updates replaced hd and still no luck can you help?

    error: E100 0000070D 8B050001

    console: Xbox 1 s

    OS version: 19041.3773.amd64fre.vb_release_xbox_dev_2008.200819-0000
    Franki Rivers likes this.
  3. Franki Rivers

    Franki Rivers New Member

    Sep 18, 2020
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    [QUOTE = "kizidek, publicación: 83236, miembro: 88857"] Hola, probé todas las opciones de solución de problemas, intenté actualizar sin conexión, pero conecté el usb y la opción permanece atenuada. Revisé varios foros, diferentes actualizaciones reemplazaron hd y todavía no hay suerte, ¿puedes ayudar?

    error: E100 0000070D 8B050001

    consola: Xbox 1 s

    Versión del SO: 19041.3773.amd64fre.vb_release_xbox_dev_2008.200819-0000 [/ QUOTE]


    buen dia, estoy teniendo el mismo problema de hecho cuando realize la actualizacion de agosto todo bien con mi consola despues de una semana mi consola se quedo por un buen tiempo en pantalla negra despues de unos 10 minutos aparecia ´´preparando consola´´ (creo que la consola se estaba restableciendo de fabrica) (por cierto el restablecimiento se queda en 0%) despues de unos 20 minutos aparecia el codigo de error E102 y despues intente realizar una actualizacion sin conexion (usb) y otra vez se queda en 0% y despues de otros 20 minutos aparecia el codigo de error E101 y a veces cuando intento realizar otra vez la actualizar sin conexion se queda en 1% y nuevamente aparece el codigo de error E101

    haz intentado hacer un hard rest pero por usb, sino lo haz intentado descargalo o si quieres indaga en la pagina de xbox, tengo el archivo de el que ahora le estoy comentando pero el archivo es muy grande para pasarlo por aca, asi que te dejo el link espero y le sirva: https://support.xbox.com/help/hardware-network/console/reset-console-to-factory-defaults

    muchas gracias.
  4. Benevides94

    Benevides94 New Member

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Hello friends, I replaced my Xbox hard drive because it was defective, but I can't update it, I get the following error: e101 00000504 8b05004. Probably because I participated in the xbox insider program and had a newer system than the offline file provided by Microsoft. I wonder if it is possible to get update files offline more recent than this one.

    My Os version: 19041.4204.am64fre.vb_release_xbox_dev_2010.200907-000
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    At the moment its not possible unfortunately, you'd have to wait until Microsoft release a newer system update to the public.
    Benevides94 likes this.
  6. patt

    patt New Member

    Sep 17, 2020
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    unfortunately your problem is the same of mine. you need to wait 'till microsoft release the ofc system update :/ (1 month or 2)
    Benevides94 likes this.
  7. Rbcorrea

    Rbcorrea New Member

    Oct 2, 2020
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    How can I know if the current OSU1 verison is suitable to update me XBOX ONE Original ?
    I´ve tried everythin, but I´m getting the same errors..

    code E101 XXXX
    OS Version: 19041.3773.amd64fre.vb_release_xbox_dev_2008.200819-0000...but culd not update

    Does the latest version work ? Download Xbox One System Update 10.0.19041.4170 Download (September 2020 Update) Update

    Just for curiosity, what is the source of this 19041.4170 version ?
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Your installing a newer version by the looks of it so should work, the current latest is 10.0.19041.4172

    www.xbox.com/xboxone/osu1 always has the latest update.
  9. THQ

    THQ New Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    hi, I bought a set-top box on October 5 and decided to insert an ssd, when trying to update it gives e101. As I understand it, the osu 1 version is older than I had on the console. It seems that a few days before the purchase there was some kind of update. I have on the error screen writes this: OC 19041.4297.amd64fre.vb_release_xbox_dev_2010.200982-0000

    saw a link to version 4172 last, now I'll try it. But maybe there are newer ones?

    4172 not worket
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2020
  10. SparTanLeo117

    SparTanLeo117 New Member

    Oct 21, 2020
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    Hey guys,
    I am in a preview program and my Os version is 19041.4204.am64fre.vb_release_xbox_dev_2010.200907-000.
    Microsoft just released a new system update on Oct 13th 19041.4981. This build looks newer than my preview build, so I tried installing it. But for some reason it is still giving me start up error E10*** something. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or do I still have to wait for Microsoft to release a newer build?

    Please guys, any help will be really appreciated. I really miss my Xbox .

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