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Xbox One System Update 10.0.22000.2989 Download (November 2021 Update)

Discussion in 'Dashboard / System Updates' started by InsaneNutter, Nov 29, 2021.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England

    Info on the Xbox One OS version: 10.0.22000.2989 (xb_flt_2111co.211109-2200) / Shell version: 2111.0.2111.9003 November 2021 Update

    Release date


    What's New:

    Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) on console

    Game Pass games from the cloud can now be played right on your Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S console. With your Game Pass Ultimate subscription, you can now play Xbox Game Pass games from the cloud before you decide to install them. Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) on console is rolling out to 25 regions over the coming weeks, with Brazil to be added soon.

    Updated volume and audio output settings

    A new streamlined audio experience is now available for all Xbox consoles. The volume and audio output settings have been reorganized to make relevant settings easier to access and help optimize your audio experience.
    To get started, go to Settings > Audio testing & details. You can check what your audio setup supports and reset if necessary.

    New and improved colour filters on Xbox Series X|S

    A new streamlined audio experience is now available for all Xbox consoles. The volume and audio output settings have been reorganized to make relevant settings easier to access and help optimize your audio experience.
    To get started, go to Settings > Audio testing & details. You can check what your audio setup supports and reset if necessary.

    Game and accessibility tags in the Microsoft Store

    Game developers can now “tag” their titles with up to 20 common accessibility features used by the Gaming & Disability Community, making it easier for you to find content that meets your needs and learn about the accessibility of games directly on your console prior to purchasing them.

    As of this update, more than 325 games have added accessibility tags, including:

    Microsoft Flight Simulator
    Sea of Thieves


    Download 10.0.22000.2989 (xb_flt_2111co.211109-2200) (November 2021)

    Updating your Xbox One:

    Read: How to install an Xbox One System Update from a USB Memory Stick

    To find your Xbox One console’s operating system version:

    • Press the Xbox button to return to Home.
    • Press the Menu button and select Settings (or select Settings on the Home screen).
    • Select System.
    • Select Console info.
    • Your operating system version is the third row down.
    • Note If you’re in the middle of a system update and need to find your operating system version on your console, pull both triggers and both bumpers on the controller. The operating system version is listed as Build and is the second line down.
  2. Commonman55

    Commonman55 New Member

    Dec 4, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Hello. this file have corrupted SettingsTemplate file
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    I've uploaded the update again, so hopefully all is ok now.
  4. kalhid

    kalhid New Member

    Feb 12, 2023
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    Hi, im new member, i just bought an xbox one, i think it was on insider program, and i can't update by OSU file, this is the actually OS: 22621.3422.amd64fre.xb_flt_2302ni.230130-2200 , idk if you could have it .. every time i try i had the same error code; E101 00000504 8B050041, Can you help me? please ..
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England

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