Can't play original Xbox games on Xbox 360 slim

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by PeterX, Nov 21, 2024.

  1. PeterX

    PeterX New Member

    Nov 21, 2024
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    So I have a XBOX 360 slim and just purchased an internal 500GB HDD so that I can play original Xbox games on it.

    Followed the steps here:

    1. I downloaded the Xplorer360Extreme2 and Partition2bin file.
    2. I connected my HDD via SATA to USB adapter cable to my laptop and was able to partition my HDD to the partition 2 by selecting "Restore partition 2" via the Xplorer360Extreme2.
    3. I put in the partitioned internal HDD back into the XBOX 360 (slim) and tried to play a backup Xbox game first from an external HDD connected to the XBOX 360, didn't work.
    4. I tried to copy over the backup folder of the Xbox game to the HDD to play from there, it still didn't work.
    5. Then I tried to insert a XBOX original game disc to see if it works but it still wouldn't work, just goes back to the XBOX360 menu.

    I don't have XBOX Live so I know I might have to do what is written here:

    But I don't have a DVD burner do burn the "default.xex", is there a workaround for this or is there something I am missing in the above steps? Please help, thanks!
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    As it sounds like you have a Jtag / RGH hacked Xbox 360, try downloading the Xbox 360 Hacked Xbox Backwards Compatibility v5832
    Unzip these files and copy them to the Compatibility folder on Partition 2 with a file manager such as XEX Menu or via FTP.

    That will get you the latest backwards compatibility update.

    Keep in mind not all Xbox games work on the Xbox 360, so that could also be the issue.
    PeterX likes this.
  3. PeterX

    PeterX New Member

    Nov 21, 2024
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    Thank you so much for your answer, it was very helpful and I was able to get my Xbox backups to work! Now I have to try to figure out how to extract Xbox 360 .iso image. 360 only reads Fat32 which means it can't take more then a 4GB file at a time, so not sure how to transfer XBOX 360 files over because of their size.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    One option is to extract ISO's with this tool here: Xbox 360 XISO Extract - BEST an easiest XDG3 extraction tool, with GUI + FTP

    Another is to upgrade the internal hard drive (the 360 can take up to 2TB internally): Upgrade a Jtagged Xbox 360's hard drive, restore the avatars and Xbox 1 emulator

    After you have a large internal drive convert all your ISO's to GoD's (Games on Demand) and you can load them from the internal hard drive: ISO2GOD v1.3.6 Download - Convert Xbox 360 XGD3 ISO's to GOD's (Games on Demand)

    I think some homebrew dashboards might also be able to load GoD's from a USB drive. I just use the MS Dashboard though.
    PeterX likes this.
  5. PeterX

    PeterX New Member

    Nov 21, 2024
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    Thank you I will surely try that. Also in terms of this error: "A media update is required to play this content. To get the update, sign in to Xbox Live and play the content again".
    I have my Xbox 360 RGH hacked, I was able to play backup XBOX games from my external HDD now after the steps you gave me above, how can I play media content from an external HDD now? I am not on XBOX Live and don't know if I should do any updates to my 360 as I'm afraid that might mess something up, is there a way around this that allows me to play media without signing into XBOX Live?
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You need the Xbox 360 Optional Media Update - that should allow you to play MP4, Divx and XviD without going on Xbox Live.

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